1986 morts, 1895 blessés : 223 attaques terroristes au nom d'Allah les 30 derniers jours

Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11

À vous, citoyen du monde, à vous plus encore, prétendu responsable éducatif, informatif, politique, qui charriez la charia comme de rien, que constatez-vous du bilan de ces trente derniers jours dans le monde, à part au niveau météorologique, footballistique et économique, de ces faits de déséquilibrés que tout relie sur un point tabou à prononcer ?

Vous êtes d’avis que ce n’est pas encore assez tabou, et qu’elle est là, la solution ? Ou bien est-ce une sorte de fatalité et qu’on ne peut espérer meilleur destin ? Est-ce là le triomphe de la forme la plus intelligente de vie sur cette planète ? Ou encore l’intelligence ne serait-elle que le malin à vos yeux ? Rien ne doit-il donc changer, sinon le discours de celui qui dénonce le phénomène ?
Attaques terroristes mortelles au nom d’Allah les 30 derniers jours : 223 attaques, 1986 morts, 1895 blessés.

2016.07.01BangladeshJhenaidah10A Hindu temple worker is hacked to death.
2016.07.01KenyaWak62Children are among six people on a bus brutally machine-gunned by religious radicals.
2016.07.01IsraelHebron13Palestinians fire on a family’s vehicle, killing the father and injuring others.
2016.06.30IsraelKiryat Arba11A 13-year-old girl is stabbed to death in her bedroom by a Palestinian terrorist.
2016.06.30CameroonLimani1150A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a rival mosque, taking eleven others with him.
2016.06.30SomaliaLafole1820Eighteen passengers on a minibus are cooked alive by an Islamist roadside blast.
2016.06.30AfghanistanPaghman3740Two suicide bombers massacre thirty-seven souls in a coordinated attack on a group of buses.
2016.06.29SyriaTal Abyad1025A suicide car bomber targeting Kurdish civilians takes out ten.
2016.06.28TurkeyIstanbul44239Three suicide bombers massacre over forty innocents at a busy airport.
2016.06.28IraqAbu Ghraib1432At least a dozen worshippers are laid out by a suicide blast at a mosque.
2016.06.27IraqBaghdad25Two people are leveled by a Jihadi bomb blast outside a row of shops.
2016.06.27IraqFallujah70Seven people are found tortured to death by the Islamic State.
2016.06.27KenyaDimu54Five border guards are murdered by al-Shabaab extremists.
2016.06.27EgyptSheikh Zuweid10A young policeman at a checkpoint is picked off by a long-range Islamist sniper.
2016.06.27LebanonQaa619Six people are left dead after four suicide bombers detonate at a small village.
2016.06.27YemenMukalla4230A woman and child are among over forty taken out by four suicide bombers.
2016.06.26IraqBaghdad21Two civilians are blown to bits by Mujahideen bombers.
2016.06.26KuwaitKuwait City10A man kills his own brother for not fasting and praying during Ramadan.
2016.06.26ThailandNarathiwat12A shooting and bombing leave one dead and two injured.
2016.06.26EgyptSheikh Zuweid23Two policemen are disassembled by an ISIS roadside bomb.
2016.06.25BangladeshChittagong10A Hindu practitioner is beheaded by Religion of Peace radicals.
2016.06.25SyriaDeir Ezzor40ISIS hangs four young people while forcing their families to watch.
2016.06.25SyriaRaqqa50ISIS executed five journalists by forcing them to use cameras and computers rigged with explosives.
2016.06.25IndiaPampore824Lashkar-e-Taiba members pour machine-gun fire into a bus, killing eight passengers.
2016.06.25SomaliaMogadishu1425An al-Shabaab suicide bombing at a hotel claims the lives of fourteen employees and guests.
2016.06.25PakistanLahore01Four Muslims gang-rape a Christian whose brother had eloped with a Muslim.
2016.06.24SomaliaYurkuk50Five farmers are killed during an al-Shabaab attack.
2016.06.24AfghanistanKot812At least eight civilians are killed when ISIS loyalists burn down a village.
2016.06.24LibyaBenghazi414Four civilians are killed when terrorists set off a car bomb in front of a hospital.
2016.06.24Saudi ArabiaQatif10A local cop is gunned down by Shia radicals.
2016.06.24IraqHawija50Five civilians are executed by ISIS at a popular market.
2016.06.24CameroonGouzoudoum42Boko Haram kill four villagers and torch their homes.
2016.06.24PakistanQuetta332The Taliban are suspected of a bomb blast in a shopping district that leaves three dead.
2016.06.23Saudi ArabiaRiyadh12Two ISIS-supporting brothers stab their mother to death.
2016.06.23SyriaRaqqa10A man is stabbed, shot and crucified by the Islamic State.
2016.06.23IraqBaghdad25Jihadis set off a bomb near a candy factory, killing two passersby.
2016.06.23IraqNaeima21A man and his son are killed when their house is burnt down by caliphate members.
2016.06.23IraqTuz23Islamic State cadres murder an old man and his brother.
2016.06.23Syriaal-Bab200Twenty Kurds are executed for refusing to obey the Islamic State.
2016.06.23SyriaMaalula10Jihadists slit the throat of a Christian man in front of his wife.
2016.06.22AfghanistanJalalabad22A Taliban bomb takes out a traffic cop and a commuter.
2016.06.22PakistanKarachi11A Sufi singer is gunned down in a targeted attack by radicals.
2016.06.22AfghanistanJund41An Afghan soldier gets religion and turns his gun on four colleagues.
2016.06.22PakistanYakatoot10An official is shot to death outside a mosque by suspected extremists.
2016.06.22Egyptal-Arish11A police officer is shot to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2016.06.21PhilippinesSulu30Three accused apostates are beheaded by caliphate loyalists.
2016.06.21NigeriaVase120Six members of the same family are among a dozen butchered in cold blood by Fulani mercenaries.
2016.06.21Egyptal-Arish10Another policeman is murdered in his own home by four religious extremists.
2016.06.21IraqBaghdad23Two Sunnis are cut down by more-radical Sunnis.
2016.06.21IraqDor535A Sunni suicide bomber takes out five Shiites.
2016.06.21SyriaManbij320At least thirty people are killed by ISIS suicide bombers and executioners in a three day assault.
2016.06.21IraqSouib45Four people at a checkpoint are torn to shreds by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.06.21LibyaGarabulli2930An ISIS RPG fired at a group of fleeing civilians hits an armory. Over two dozen are incinerated in the ensuing explosion.
2016.06.21SomaliaJowhar10An Islamist infiltrates a security detail and assassinates a government official.
2016.06.21JordanRuqban614A suicide car bomber slams into a border gate, killing at least six others.
2016.06.20IraqTaji412Four Iraqis are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.06.20IraqDibs14A bomb blast targeting a family fleeing the caliphate manages to kill one member.
2016.06.20KenyaOwane13An Islamist landmine kills an ambulance driver.
2016.06.20IraqTuz Khurmatu10A Sunni is murdered at his office by Shiite radicals.
2016.06.20AfghanistanBadakhshan1040Religious fanatics plant a motorcycle bomb at a crowded market that claims ten lives, including five children.
2016.06.20AfghanistanKabul145Fourteen bus passengers are incinerated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.06.20AfghanistanKabul15A politician is assassinated by Taliban bombers.
2016.06.20KenyaDimu50Five border guards are murdered by al-Shabaab extremists.
2016.06.20Egyptal-Arish10Islamic fanatics kill a police officer in his own home.
2016.06.20NigeriaUzzar80Eight people are slaughtered by Muslim terrorists.
2016.06.20SudanThur40Suspected Arab militia attack a displaced persons camp and shoot four refugees to death, including a child.
2016.06.20PakistanKarachi10An Ahmadiyya doctor is gunned down in a targeted attack on a religious minority.
2016.06.19ThailandTak Bai10A 35-year-old woman is murdered by two Muslim militants.
2016.06.19AfghanistanTagab Yari60Fundamentalists open fire on civilians eating during Ramadan, killing six.
2016.06.19IraqMahmoudiya29Two people are left dead following a Mujahideen bomb blast at a popular market.
2016.06.19IraqAmrli90Nine Sunnis are executed by Shiite radicals.
2016.06.19NigeriaBenue180Eighteen dead villagers are discovered following a raid by Fulani terrorists.
2016.06.19SyriaQamishi35At least three people are killed after a suicide bomber detonates at a memorial to massacred Christians.
2016.06.19SyriaLatakia10An ISIS suicide bomber kills one other person.
2016.06.19EgyptHasna11Fundamentalists take down a local cop with an IED.
2016.06.18NigeriaWumbi20Islamists set fire to a village, killing two residents.
2016.06.18IraqQayara30Three people are executed for trying to flee the caliphate.
2016.06.18IraqTuz Khurmatu26A street sweeper is among two people taken out by an ISIS suicide blast.
2016.06.18SyriaSheikh Maqsoud740At least seven residents are aerated by Sunni shrapnel in their own neighborhood.
2016.06.18SyriaAleppo70Seven members of a Kurdish family are killed in a targeted bombing of their vehicle.
2016.06.17PakistanSohbatpur20The Taliban is suspected of planted a landmine that claims the lives of two children.
2016.06.17SyriaManbij60Two children are among six members of one family exterminated by firing squad for trying to flee the caliphate.
2016.06.17IraqTuz Khurmatu247Two dozen people are reported killed following sustained ISIS assault that involved three suicide truck bombs.
2016.06.17NigerGhafam712Seven ‘apostates’ are killed by Boko Haram at a displaced persons camp.
2016.06.17PakistanBurewala20A man returns from Haj and then honor kills his pregnant sister and her husband.
2016.06.17NigeriaKuda240Twenty-four women are summarily shot dead at a funeral by Islamic extremists.
2016.06.17PakistanGujranwala10A conservative family slits the throat of a young mother who was seven months pregnant for marrying against their wishes.
2016.06.17IraqHaj Ali126A dozen civilians at a displaced persons camp are pulled limb from limb by Jihadi bombers.
2016.06.16IraqBirahmed150An ISIS attack on a cluster of towns produces fifteen dead Iraqis, including a father and son.
2016.06.16PakistanPeshawar13Religion of Peace roadside bombers take out a policeman.
2016.06.16SyriaMayadin20Two people are crucified for not fasting during Ramadan.
2016.06.16IraqSinsil40Four people are stoned to death for adultery.
2016.06.16IraqBaghdad24Two people at a popular market are exterminated by Mujahideen bombers.
2016.06.16IraqShirqat190Nineteen civilians are pulled from their homes and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.06.16IraqFallujah11An ISIS sniper picks off a 2-year-old boy in his mother’s arms.
2016.06.16LibyaAbu Grein107An ISIS suicide bomb blast claims the lives of ten others.
2016.06.16Egyptal-Arish20Two off-duty cops are gunned down in their own homes by four fundamentalists.
2016.06.16IndiaKashmir10Islamic terrorists murder a border guard.
2016.06.16SyriaLatakia10A suicide bomber hits an aid convoy, killing one member.
2016.06.15IraqBaghdad28Jihadi bombers target a fruit and vegetable market, killing two patrons.
2016.06.15IraqYusufiyah70At least seven Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.06.15AfghanistanKohmard10A local governor is assassinated by Sharia proponents.
2016.06.15SyriaRaqqa10A 4-year-old girl is allegedly beheaded by the caliphate.
2016.06.15BangladeshMadaripur01A Hindu college professor is stabbed by Muslim radicals.
2016.06.15IraqFallujah40A journalist is among four Iraqis killed by an ISIS mortar round.
2016.06.14BelgiumEtterbeek01A transgender is stabbed by religious radicals.
2016.06.14NigeriaKautuva43Jihadists burn down houses, murder four villagers and kidnap three women.
2016.06.14IraqBaghdad29A Mujahid bomb blast at a market produces two corpses.
2016.06.14IndiaKupwara15A group of terrorists attack a police patrol, killing one officer.
2016.06.14CARNgaoundaye100At least ten villagers are slaughtered by Muslim militia.
2016.06.13PakistanGhor10A woman is shot dead by her family for attempting to leaver her husband.
2016.06.13PakistanGhor10A Sharia court executes a woman on a charge of trying to escape her home.
2016.06.13IndiaKud16Muslim militants open fire from a bus, killing a woman and injuring a child.
2016.06.13IraqRamadi511Five Iraqis are taken out by ISIS suicide bombers.
2016.06.13LibyaSirte23Two people are killed when a suicide bomber detonates outside a government building.
2016.06.13FranceMagnanville21A terrorist stabs a couple to death while shouting praises to Allah.
2016.06.13IraqFallujah490Shiite radicals are accused of executing at least forty-nine civilians displaced by the violence.
2016.06.12SyriaSanilurfa01ISIS gunmen shoot a journalist three times.
2016.06.12LibyaSirte10A Fedayeen suicide bomber claims one other life.
2016.06.12IraqFallujah2717Two ISIS suicide attacks produce over two dozen dead Iraqis.
2016.06.12AfghanistanGhor10The Taliban cut out the eyes of a day laborer and skin him alive.
2016.06.12SyriaRaqqa10A caliphate member executes his own brother for apostasy.
2016.06.12LibyaSirte37A suicide bomber detonates at a hospital, taking three others with him.
2016.06.12PhilippinesSamal Island10A Canadian hostage is beheaded by Abu Sayyaf.
2016.06.12USAOrlando, FL4953An Islamic extremist massacres forty-nine people at a gay nightclub.
2016.06.12CameroonDarak420The bodies of forty-two fishermen are found a few days after they were captured by Boko Haram.
2016.06.12IraqRazalani20An ISIS member slaughters his own parents for refusing to hand over his brothers to the caliphate.
2016.06.11SyriaManbij13Islamists invade a home, kill the man and rape his wife and two daughters.
2016.06.11IraqTarmiya70Three children and two women are among seven family members massacred in their home by sectarian activists.
2016.06.11IraqYathrib100A grave is discovered containing ten ISIS victims.
2016.06.11IraqSichr170Seventeen people are allegedly massacred by a Shiite militia.
2016.06.11SyriaSayyida Zeinab2030A double suicide bombing outside a Shiite mosque leaves at least twenty dead.
2016.06.11LibyaBenghazi78Seven civilians lose their lives when Islamists shell their neighborhood.
2016.06.11AfghanistanHaska Mena611At least six are left dead after Islamic State members fire into a police station.
2016.06.11AfghanistanRodat470Religious extremists plant a bomb in a rival mosque that eliminates four worshippers.
2016.06.10EgyptRafah10A young police recruit is cut down in the prime of life by Islamic radicals.
2016.06.10Syriaal-Zahraa16A civilian is killed when terrorists send a rocket into a home.
2016.06.10SyriaAleppo315A young girl is among three civilians aerated by Sunni shrapnel.
2016.06.10IraqBaghdad311A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three other souls.
2016.06.10IraqFallujah300Islamists spray machine-gun fire into a crowd of women and children trying to flee the caliphate, killing at least thirty.
2016.06.10BangladeshDhaka10A 62-year-old Hindu monastery worker is hacked to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2016.06.10SyriaGhandoura370ISIS members massacre at least thirty-seven villagers, including women and children.
2016.06.10NigeriaMairari40Islamists drag four women out of their homes and slit their throats.
2016.06.10SomaliaBula Fulay40A pro-Sharia group beheads one man and shoot three others.
2016.06.10SyriaBukamal10One person is crucified for eating during Ramadan.
2016.06.10PakistanLahore31A young couple are honor killed for marrying against their family’s wishes along with a friend who helped them.
2016.06.09PakistanChanga Manga01A Christian man is badly beaten by a Muslim mob for selling food deemed ‘unclean’ because of his religion.
2016.06.09IraqMosul10A woman is stoned to death in front of a mosque for adultery.
2016.06.09IraqKirkuk15A mother is killed by an IS IED while leading her family out of the caliphate.
2016.06.09SyriaHandarat18A Sunni rocket claims the life of a child.
2016.06.09IraqWilayat Salahuddin10A man is beheaded for sorcery by the caliphate.
2016.06.09IraqBaghdad1946A Sunni suicide bomber targets a commercial district in a Shiite area, killing nineteen.
2016.06.09IraqTaji1232A dozen Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.06.09SomaliaHalgan430Dozens of AU peacekeepers are massacred during an al-Shabaab suicide assault.
2016.06.09SyriaMeydan550At least five are killed when al-Nusra deliberately shells a civilian area.
2016.06.08PakistanLahore10A 17-year-old girl is burnt alive by her conservative mother for eloping without permission.
2016.06.08IsraelTel Aviv413Muslims disguised as Orthodox Jews fire into a food and retail market, killing four patrons as they praise Allah.
2016.06.08IraqHanbas33An ISIS bomb blast lays out three Shiites.
2016.06.08LibyaAbu Grein2532Over two dozen defenders are killed during an ISIS assault on a small town.
2016.06.08LibyaBuairat el-Hassun718An ISIS car bomb claims seven lives.
2016.06.08SyriaManbij190Nineteen civilians are killed by the Islamic State.
2016.06.07IraqHaditha20Two female factory workers are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.06.07IraqKarbala720A Sunni suicide bomber produces seven dead Shiites at a commercial area.
2016.06.07BangladeshJhenaidah10A 69-year-old Hindu priest is hacked to death by Islamic radicals.
2016.06.07AfghanistanSokhti1112Eleven local security personnel are killed during a Taliban attack.
2016.06.07AfghanistanGhazni1250The Taliban stop vehicles along a highway and massacre a dozen occupants.
2016.06.07IraqKhazar50Five displaced persons are further removed by ISIS bombers.
2016.06.06IraqMosul650Sixty-five civilians, including university students, are rounded up and executed by caliphate staff.
2016.06.06IraqBaghdad211Jihadis bomb a local market, killing two patrons.
2016.06.06JordanAmman50At least five employees are killed in their office by Islamic militants.
2016.06.06CameroonDarak100Ten fishermen are cut down by Boko Haram.
2016.06.06AfghanistanSari Pul70A child is among seven gunned down by Taliban fundamentalists.
2016.06.06YemenKhormaksar10A civilian is killed when Muslim extremists fire on an airport.
2016.06.06IraqFallujah40Four civilians are tortured to death by a Shiite militia.
2016.06.06YemenTaiz813Shiite shells kill eight family members, including three children.
2016.06.06NigeriaAdamawa40Four farmers are murdered by Boko Haram.
2016.06.06EgyptSadwet10A young policeman is shot to death in the name of Allah.
2016.06.06ThailandNarathiwat32Two villagers are shot point blank by Muslim terrorists.
2016.06.06IraqMosul110Eleven people are executed in front of their families for trying to flee the caliphate.
2016.06.05AfghanistanKabul10An NPR journalist and his translator are picked off by Taliban snipers.
2016.06.05KazakhstanAktobe63Islamic radicals murder six people in two separate attacks.
2016.06.05AfghanistanKabul33Fundamentalists set off a bomb outside a house that leaves three dead.
2016.06.05IraqAbu Ghraib37A Jihadi bomb blast ends the lives of three people at a market.
2016.06.05PakistanAttock10A 65-year-old Ahmadi religious minority is gunned down.
2016.06.05AfghanistanPuli Alim723Islamic hardliners with suicide vests storm a courthouse and murder seven workers.
2016.06.05Iraqal-Mahouz30Three civilians are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.06.05BangladeshChittagong10A woman is murdered in her home by religious radicals.
2016.06.05SyriaAleppo227Two people are killed when Islamists target a church with rockets.
2016.06.05BangladeshNatore10A Christian man is hacked to death at his shop by Islamists.
2016.06.05SomaliaMogadishu10A female journalist is assassinated by al-Shabaab outside a college campus.
2016.06.05PakistanSachal Goth30Two Hindus are among three slain at a liquor shop by members of a banned terror group.
2016.06.04IraqFallujah4000A mass grave is discovered containing at least four hundred victims of ISIS executions.
2016.06.04IraqFallujah3415Thirty-four Iraqis are killed by two Islamic State suicide bombers.
2016.06.04IraqTarmiyah815A Shahid suicide bomber eliminates eight people waiting at a checkpoint.
2016.06.04IraqBaghdad725Terrorists kill seven Iraqis in two separate attacks on a restaurant and market.
2016.06.04IndiaAnantnag20Two cops are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2016.06.04SyriaAleppo733Seven civilians are killed when Sunni terrorists fire rockets into their section of a city.
2016.06.04SyriaHamadaniyey547A well-placed Sunni shell takes out five residents in their own neighborhood.
2016.06.04NigerBosso10A convert to Christianity is singled out and executed by Muslim radicals.
2016.06.03IraqMosul190Nineteen Yazidi girls are put in cages and burned alive for refusing sex with caliphate members.
2016.06.03NigeriaWaga23Boko Haram kill two villagers and abduct three women.
2016.06.03IndiaBejbehara35Islamic terrorists ambush and kill three members of a local security convoy.
2016.06.03IraqAbu Dsher37Three Iraqis are reduced to pulp by Mujahid shrapnel.
2016.06.03IraqFallujah23A suicide bomber targets a family fleeing the caliphate, killing two members.
2016.06.03YemenTaiz1730Ten women and a girl are among seventeen shredded by Shiite shrapnel at a market.
2016.06.03NigerBosso3267Thirty-two defenders are slain during a massive Boko Haram assault on a small town.
2016.06.03IraqKhalis22A probable premature detonation in a taxi cab leaves two dead.
2016.06.03DagestanAshaga-Stal10Islamists break into a policeman’s home and murder him in front of his wife and children.
2016.06.02AfghanistanKunduz20Two civilians, taken hostage after being pulled from a bus, are executed by the Taliban.
2016.06.02AfghanistanSheikh Ali30A woman is among three aid workers murdered by religious extremists.
2016.06.02SyriaLatakia50Five people are reported killed when a suicide bomber strikes a rival mosque.
2016.06.02NigeriaKano10Muslim youth behead a Christian woman for insulting Muhammad after an argument over religion.
2016.06.02PakistanFaqirabad10A retired man is shot to death by religious radicals.

Source en date du 01/07/2016 : http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/attacks/attacks.aspx?Yr=Last30

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9 Commentaires

  1. He be, c’est qu’il y en a, des loups solitaires et des desequilibrės, chez les gentils mahometans.
    On se demande quel feu d’artifice ils prevoient pour clore leur mois de ramerdan.
    Tous aux abris ! Ils vont vouloir mettre le paquet pour pouvoir aller baiser dans leur paradis-lupanar.
    Vous parlez d’une secte ! Fondėe sur les assassinats et la baise.
    Ca ne peut attirer que de grands intellectuels et philosophes, certes pas les psychopathes en tout genre.

  2. En ce moment circule beaucoup sur les réseaux sociaux ce verset tronqué du Coran : « Quiconque tuerait une personne non coupable d’un meurtre, c’est comme s’il avait tué tous les hommes. » C’est en fait le début du verset 32 (tronqué aussi d’ailleurs) de la sourate V. Voici l’intégralité du verset 33 : « C’est pourquoi Nous avons prescrit pour les Enfants d’Israël que quiconque tuerait une personne non coupable d’un meurtre ou d’une corruption sur la terre, c’est comme s’il avait tué tous les hommes. Et quiconque lui fait don de la vie, c’est comme s’il faisait don de la vie à tous les hommes. En effet Nos messagers sont venus à eux avec les preuves. Et puis voilà, qu’en dépit de cela, beaucoup d’entre eux se mettent à commettre des excès sur la terre . »
    Et ensuite dans le verset 33, on tue ou l’on coupe les membres et l’on crucifie : « La récompense de ceux qui font la guerre contre Allah et Son messager, et qui s’efforcent de semer la corruption sur la terre, c’est qu’ils soient tués, ou crucifiés, ou que soient coupées leur main et leur jambe opposées, ou qu’ils soient expulsés du pays. Ce sera pour eux l’ignominie ici-bas; et dans l’au-delà, il y aura pour eux un énorme châtiment. » (V. 33).
    C’est la « taqiya » (mensonge) typique pour faire passer l’islam pour une religion de « paix et d’amour ».

    • merci pour ce rappel, il ne faut pas se lasser et toujours dire et redire

  3. C’est peu, au regard de ce qui est recommandé par cette religion et grâce à la vigilance des services de sécurité. Les koufars et les taghouts ça n’existent pas qu’en occident. Ces islamistes bénéficient de tout les moyens par l’Occident et les pays arabo-musulman, et surtout l’Arabie Saoudite.

  4. On parle bien de la religion de partage, de paix et d’amour qu’est l’islam des lumières.!

  5. 223 attaques terroristes au nom d’Allah les 30 derniers jours ,
    à envoyer ce résultat à tout les politiques en France ! ils ne pourront pas dire qu’ils ne le savaient pas !!!!

  6. Islam, religion de paix et d’amour !!!. Je dis plutôt, a éradiquer de la terre entière.

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